Are you looking for ties that complement your existing wardrobe and your lifestyle needs? The Dark Knot's extensive luxurious hand made silk tie selection provides you with a filtered search option that allows you to search for ties based on your exisisting Suits, Shirts & even the type of Occasion you are dressing up for! To view this inbuilt system at The Dark Knot, please click here.
The art of mixing patterns with clothing is not dissimilar to mixing ingredients in a dish. You add ingredients and garnishes as you become a more experienced cook. Try and do too much at once, and you will most likely end up using Tabasco for your pasta (Gasp, say the Indian parents! That is standard protocol!) and end up rendering all creative culinary pursuits null and void. In an instant. Gone.
Similar situation with mixing and matching ties with your suits and shirts. Try and climb up the sartorial ‘ladder’ too quick, and you might just fall right back down to earth quicker than you can say ‘stripes’.
So with the notion established that gradual progression is the way to build up your sense of flair, let’s take a look at what works with matching tie patterns to shirts and suits. And most likely, what won’t (Hint: Craig Sager, my idol).

Cash Money!
Two Similar Patterns
If you have been newly initiated into Sartorial Land, similar patterns can help ease some of that confusion. While not the most sexy, similar patterns can provide both congruency and an element of contrast at the same time. Narrow striped shirts are well complemented by wider striped ties, and windowpane shirts can be accessorized with smaller check ties. In the case below, we see a gorgeous woolen plaid tie paired perfectly with a smaller graph checkered shirt and a window pane suit!
Two Different Patterns
Two different patterns can work wonders (can mean two different patterns over your three piece ensemble) provided that there is an element of contrast with regard to proportions. A small animal motif with a tiny checkered shirt will most likely not work, but a wider striped tie on a narrow pinstriped suit and a smaller checkered shirt could produce a pronounced effect. Or as in the case below, a polka dot tie on a checkered shirt and suit.
Bringing it all together with three patterns
Mixing and matching three patterns requires a discerning eye. If pulled off correctly, you’ve created a head turner. Done wrong, however, and you’ll have heads being scratched. With three different patterns, you need to maintain proportions and effect so that you don’t overdo congruency and you don’t exaggerate differences. There has to be a fine line, and it takes fine tuning to get there. Have fun with your sartorial pursuits!
And that's a wrap for this one! We hope that you have enjoyed reading this as much as we did writing it.
To browse our luxurious tie offerings at The Dark Knot, click here. Stil unsure of how to mix and match your cominations? No problem! We offer a full consulation service!