So you’ve received an invite at work or are about to indulge in the fun and games that is a professional networking event, when you realize that you are absolutely befuddled.
With the various delineations, or in Breaking Bad parlance, abundance of grey matter that exists between where one dress code ends and the next one starts, you’re left scratching you’re head. Do you wear a suit? A suit without a tie? A Tuxedo? Or like Mr. White himself, do you just show up in your tighty whities. Let’s help break down (no pun intended) some of the confusion here:
Black Tie
Traditional Black Tie attire indicates that you need to wear a Tuxedo. The Tux must be black, paired with a white shirt and worn with a black colored bow tie. There are two types of collars commonly used on Tuxedo dress shirts: The “Wing-Collar” and the “Turn-down collar”.
The Wing collar has only the tips of the collar turned down, while the second one is the more common collar that is also used for regular dress shirts. Aside from the collar, classic tuxedo shirts also have folds in the front, or “pleats”, that are typically spaced ¼ inch to ¾ inches apart.

Close Gangham Style: Or you could pull off what Psy did here and opt for a Green Tuxedo. I think not!
Day Time / Summer Season Black Tie
If you’ve been invited to an invitation during the day or the summer season, black tie protocol is switched with a white tuxedo jacket. The Tuxedo Trousers, as well as the bow tie and shoes, typically stay black, but you can opt for white trousers if you so wish.
Semi Formal
Semi-Formal refers to a classy two piece suit with a white shirt and a necktie.
Business Attire
Traditionally, business attire means a suit, dress shirt and a necktie. Unlike a Black Tie event, business attire gives you far more latitude in terms of how you want to mix and match. As long as your colors and patterns mix and match (like Craig Sager), you’ll be absolutely fine! Sweeeeet!
Darker suits such as charcoal grey and dark blue are considered more traditional and more conservative, and hence are more suitable for job interviews. During the summer months, tan and beige suits in combination with brown dress shoes, matching brown belt and a necktie have proven to be popular.
Business Casual Attire
This seems to be the category that throws up the most confusion. And that’s generally fine, as Business Casual does imply quite a range. The least formal, but still acceptable form of business casual is a pair of khakis with a tucked in polo shirt. Similarly, you can put together an ensemble consisting of a suit jacket, trousers and a shirt without the necktie.
And that’s a wrap for this one! I hope that you have enjoyed reading it as much as I have had writing it!
Are you confused as to what neckties to wear for certain occasions? Feel free to check out our extensive collection of Ties here at The Dark Knot, where you can filter your search based on type of occasion you are dressing for, tie colors, tie patterns and matching suits and shirts! Additionally, please feel free to view our beautiful collection of hand made silk & linen pocket squares and hand made lapel flowers!