How to rock beaded bracelets like a pro - men's style tips

Posted by Rishi Chullani on

Beaded bracelets are an increasingly popular accessory for men. Whether you're looking to add some style to your casual ensembles or accessorize your formalwear, men’s beaded bracelets offer a unique and stylish way to express yourself. In this blog post, we'll explore how to rock beaded bracelets like a pro, offering tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your wrist game!

Men's Beaded Bracelets

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Before we delve into beaded bracelets, we would like to hone in on a few suggested guidelines for the next time you decide to rock that unique look!

  1. Just as with any other item of clothing, fit & proportion are of paramount importance. This essentially boils down to choosing larger bracelets for correspondingly larger wrist sizes, and smaller sized bracelets for a narrower wrist size. Additionally, your bracelet should fit snugly around your wrist. An oversized metal bracelet, for example, will prove to be more of a nuisance than an aesthetic boost! As a general rule of thumb, heavier bracelets should be fitted more closely to your wrist size, while smaller bracelets can have more freedom of movement.
  2. Treat your bracelets like watches – they should stay against your skin, under any sleeves that are long enough to cover them.
  3. While stacking multiple slimmer / thinner bracelets is generally favorably viewed upon, stacking larger, thicker bracelets such as larger beaded bracelets or thicker leather bracelets is a definite faux pas!
  4. One bare wrist looks better than two occupied ones! If you are strutting a watch on one side and bracelets on the other, either stack bracelets with the watch, or go for a more minimalistic look with one or two slimmer beaded bracelets on the opposing wrist.

Beaded Bracelets Men

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Choose the right colors

When selecting beaded bracelets for men, choice of bracelet color is absolutely imperative! Coordinating color choices with the type of attire / dress code will go along way towards ensuring that you have accessorized your ensembles appropriately.

Darker colors such as black, grey, and brown can be used in a formal or business casual capacity, whereas both darker and lighter or brighter colors (e.g light blue) can work with casual attire as well. Additionally, coordinating colors with the materials, size and other elements will provide for a seamless, streamlined look.

Men's Beaded Bracelets

Lighter beaded bracelet colors work best in a more casual capacity! Courtesy of

As a general rule of thumb, try matching the colors of your beaded bracelet to a prominent piece in your ensemble. Therefore, while we advocated for darker colors above, a white beaded bracelet could match well with a suiting ensemble with a white dress shirt, for example. If wearing a neutral colored suit such as ivory, black or navy, avoid strutting beaded bracelets that are too loud and showy – it will detract attention away from you and towards your wrist. A definite no no!

Opt for natural materials

Beaded bracelets are typically offered in a variety of materials. Introducing variants such as onyx, lava stone and tiger eye are a great way to add a touch of sophistication to your bracelet game.

Consider wrist size

With regards to selecting the right beaded bracelet for your wardrobe, wrist size is of critical importance. Depending on the size of your wrist, certain bracelets may appear too bulky or too small. For a formal look, such as business casual or formal wear, smaller beaded bracelets tend to look more appropriate. For attire in a more casual capacity, bulkier beaded bracelets can often make an emphatic statement!

As always, choose the option that best fits your personal style and makes you feel comfortable. The key is to find a balance between accessories that will add visual interest to your outfit without overwhelming it.

When dressing in formal wear, accessorizing with one or two simple beaded bracelets adds a subtle but stylish touch. If you’re strutting business casual attire, you can add a bit more variety by pairing multiple types of beaded bracelets together. Mixing and matching different colors, textures, and sizes will help create a unique but polished appearance. Regardless of whether you are wearing business casual or formal wear, try and utilize the same color palette throughout your outfit in order to ensure all components work together harmoniously.

If you’re looking for the perfect bracelet size for your wrist, 6-8mm (bead diameter)  is generally considered ideal for business casual and formal wear. 8mm works in a daily everyday wear capacity, while 10-12mm beaded bracelets can create an edgier and more dramatic look.

Larger sized beaded bracelets

Larger sized beaded bracelets working to great effect with casual wear! Courtesy of

Combine different bracelet styles

Adding different bracelets to your wrist can help you create a unique and personalized look. Stacking bracelets is a great way to add texture and color to your outfit, while also helping you express yourself. To do this, start with one beaded bracelet and mix in others made from different materials like leather, silver, gold, or wood. You can also opt for an anchor bracelet for a more formal look.

When stacking bracelets, consider the material used to create each one and the order of stacking. Make sure each bracelet complements the other for a balanced look. For example, if you’re wearing a beaded bracelet with formal wear, you may want to choose a thinner leather bracelet for contrast.

Beaded Bracelet Anchor Bracelet

Conversely, if you’ve decided on a more business casual look, you can mix in bolder and thicker bracelets like a beaded bracelet with a thick gold chain. The options are endless and will depend on your own style. Experiment and have fun!


Men's Beaded Bracelets


Beaded Bracelets With A Suit

Donning a suit should not preclude you from adding some flair and visual interest to your attire. Beaded bracelets are perfect for formal wear, as they can add a pop of color and texture without being overtly flashy. For formal occasions, try and look for simple, minimal styles that won't compete with your suit. The best colors for formal wear are black, grey and navy blue. If you want to make a statement, try adding a few accent colors such as rose gold or silver.

When pairing beaded bracelets with a suit, it's important to stick to natural materials such as wood and stone. While you can also opt for more luxurious materials such as gold or diamonds, these are best reserved for very special occasions.

 Men's Beaded Bracelets

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When wearing a black suit, a beaded bracelet with black and gold accents can be a great way to add some subtle contrast. If you're wearing a grey suit, complementing it with grey and silver beads will enhance the neutral look of your suit, while adding some pop. For navy suits, you can opt for a bracelet with navy and white or navy and gold. Lastly, if you're wearing a brown suit, try a brown and rose gold beaded bracelet for an eye-catching combination! Whatever look you decide on, be sure to keep it classy and appropriate for formal wear attire.

TDK Style Tip: When wearing a suit, try to avoid a clash of metals between bracelets and the rest of your attire. If you are wearing a grey tie bar for example, opt for grey or black beaded bracelets. Similarly, an overt cluttering of men’s jewelry that has been localized to one part of your ensemble – e.g cufflinks and bracelets – should be avoided.

Beaded Bracelets with Business Casual

When it comes to business casual style, beaded bracelets can be a great way to add a stylish touch. A well-designed beaded bracelet can complement a sports jacket in an office setting, while also providing the comfort and versatility of casual attire. Given that business casual is lower on the formality spectrum than just wearing a suit, you’ll be afforded with more freedom to experiment with bead sizes, colors and number of bracelets.

For a dress shirt and chinos combination, you can choose a plain beaded bracelet with neutral colors or go for a more subtle approach with a mix of small beads and charms. Selecting darker hues such as navy, grey or black can keep things looking professional. Alternatively, adding a pop of color such as light blue or turquoise beads can instantly elevate your look!  

Men's Beaded Bracelets

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It is worth noting that stacked beaded bracelets (more on that below) will most definitely add visual intrigue! Other accessories like watches, leather bands and cuffs are also great companions to beaded bracelets in a business casual setting.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your style - just make sure that you keep things tasteful and respectful for the workplace. By following these tips, you'll soon have the perfect look for any business casual occasion!

Beaded Bracelets with Casual Attire

Given that casual attire, is well, casual, and hence on the lowest end of the formality spectrum – this is your opportunity to truly experiment with different beaded bracelet colors, sizes and materials!

For those days when you want to take it easy, beaded bracelets can make a great addition to your casual look. Whether it's with a pair of chinos and a polo shirt, or a t-shirt and jeans, you can style your beaded bracelets to create the perfect look for any occasion.

Men's Beaded Bracelets

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If you're wearing a t-shirt and jeans, mix it up and go with a bolder combination!  

Casual attire will also allow you to wear more stacked beaded bracelets than is typically considered appropriate with formal or business casual wear. Alternatively, you can stack your beaded bracelets with leather, metal or even anchor bracelets for some additional flair!

Stacking Beaded Bracelets

Stacking beaded bracelets can be an incredibly fun and engaging way to express your individual sense of style. However, often, the tried and tested combinations that you’ve donned night after night can eventually become cumbersome, and unfortunately, flat out boring. While we advocate sticking to neutral colors such as black, grey, white & the occasional blue with your formal wear, introducing colored beaded bracelets with your business casual or casual attire can be a fantastic way to spruce up your attire!

For emphasis sake, sticking to neutral colors works best within a formal capacity. As mentioned above, minimalism is the way to go, and so stacking more than two bracelets together really should be avoided at all costs. If you do insist on stacking  a third bracelet, ensure that all bracelets consist of 8mm beads at most, so as not to create a clunky, disproportionate aesthetic that will throw off the rest of your ensemble!

Furthermore, materials should be close together so as not to create a jarring look. Hence, if you’re going with tiger eye, stick to tiger eye beads when stacking. If you’ve opted for one lavastone beaded bracelet, ensure that the stacked beaded bracelet is also comprised of lavastone beads. As you can see, the general rule of thumb with stacking beaded bracelets with formal wear is congruency. Hence, you want congruency with respect to the following:

  • Color
  • Size
  • Material

Stacking Beaded Bracelets According To Color

While we are strongly in favor of sticking to neutral beaded bracelet colors with formalwear,

With respect to business casual, color experimentation will inject much needed life into your attire and allow you to really stand out! As with all things color, a color wheel is a great way to figure out how to stack your beaded bracelets.

A color wheel is essentially divided into two camps – warm (red, orange & yellow) & cool (blue, green & purple) – with the goal being to either pair warm and cool colors for sufficient contrast, or to pair two cooler colors for a more familiar, yet subtle look! Hence, for maximum contrast, you can pair a blue beaded bracelet with an orange bracelet, a red with a green bracelet, or if you’re really bold, a yellow with a purple bracelet!

Color Wheel


Honestly – we’d scratch the last two and just opt for the blue / orange combination, unless you are either (1) dressing for a Christmas party, in which case red / green will work wonderfully or (b) you’re auditioning for Willy Wonka in a Charlie & The Chocolate Factory remake!

Men's Beaded Bracelets

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Analogous color matching involves choosing colors that are adjacent on the color wheel. As mentioned above, this is best reserved for cooler colors – as pairing red, orange or yellow together may just get you in trouble. When stacking beaded bracelets that are adjacent colors on the color wheel – you’re bound to create both a striking yet stylistic look at the same time.

An example of an analogous color scheme would involve stacking a lilac or lavender beaded bracelet against a darker blue beaded bracelet, helping to create a seamless yet striking look!

Two more guidelines when stacking beaded bracelets according to color are:

  • Ton Sur Ton – The Francophile term is a fancier notation of the monochromatic color scheme. This essentially entails pairing a darker color with a lighter shade, such as a darker blue beaded bracelet with a lighter blue beaded bracelet. This will create a seamless, elegant look!
  • Always stick to black. When in doubt, pair your brighter color with your business casual or casual attire with a black beaded bracelet, so as to eliminate any doubt regarding color matching & coordination!
Men's Beaded Bracelets

Stacking Beaded Bracelets According To Size

When stacking bracelets, size, unfortunately, does matter gentleman. Introducing variations in size can be a great way to add visual interest your aesthetic.

A few general guidelines to follow are:

  • The more casual you are looking to dress, the more variety you can add to your beaded bracelet stacks. In a business / formal capacity, we suggest sticking to one size, resulting in a cleaner look. As you go more casual, feel free to add variation with bead sizes!

Men's Beaded Bracelets

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  • Utilizing several thinner bracelets (bead size of 6mm) allows you to stack more, adding a certain level of depth to your look. Alternatively, we wouldn’t stack more than two larger bead size bracelets (beads greater than 8mm in size), so as to avoid a clunkier look!

Men's Beaded Bracelets

Thinner beaded bracelets allow you to stack more!

  • Utilize two smaller beaded bracelets along with a larger leather or anchor bracelet to elevate your attire!

Stacking Beaded Bracelets According To Material

Similar to stacking beaded bracelets according to color or size, introducing different materials when dressing more casual is paramount to creating a more visually intriguing look.

Additionally, in a more formal capacity, it is imperative that all of your metals are in congruence. Hence, other jewelry such as tie bars & cufflinks shouldn’t be too different in color to your bracelets. This congruence in metals is absolutely critical to stacking beaded bracelets in a more formal manner.

 Men's Beaded Bracelets

Congruence with beaded bracelet materials is even more important with formal wear, lending to a seamless & sleek look! Courtesy of

In general, stacking beaded bracelets should adhere to the following general rules:

  • Opt for similar shades within a formal capacity, and add color the more casual your attire becomes!
  • Stick to the same size beads when stacking your bracelets with a suit. When dressing in a business casual or casual manner, varying bead sizes will add further personality to your wrist game!
  • For business settings, keeping your beaded bracelet materials congruent is of paramount importance. In more casual settings, feel free to mix and match with different materials!

And that’s a wrap for this one! We hope that you have enjoyed reading this as much as we have writing it!


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