What Is The Proper Tie Length | Guide To Achieving The Correct Tie Length

Posted by Rishi Chullani on

In this guide, we cover what the perfect tie length is and how to achieve it, based on the type of tie knot you are wearing, your body type and the type of setting / occasion that you are dressing up for!

While crossing the lines into men’s stylistic land may often involve knowing how to tie a tie – achieving the proper tie length is equally paramount to achieving that desired, dapper look that often proves to be so elusive for aspiring sartorially inclined gentleman!

What Is The Correct Tie Length

Once you’ve tied that swanky half or full windsor knot, or the more convenient and easier all around four-in-hand tie knot, you want to ensure that the tip of your tie reaches the top of your belt buckle, and neither above or below. While this is not a hard and fast rule, it does apply to dressing exquisitely in a more formal capacity.

It is important to note that this detail should be paid attention to, even if you are wearing a jacket.

Proper Tie Length

Featuring The Dark Knot's Brentwood Abstract Grey / Burgundy Silk Tie! 

Utilizing The Tie Keeper / Loop

The keeper loop is the band of material on the reverse side of the tie, that helps secure the skinny blade of the tie. An easy calculus to know if your tie is the correct tie length is to notice if the skinny blade slides through the loop with ease.

With that said – let’s delve into how to achieve the proper tie length!

How To Get The Perfect Tie Length: Consider Your Tie Knot

As a general rule of thumb, you want the wider end of the tie to hang below the belt buckle, in relation to the size of your knot, before you start tying your tie. Therefore, a four in hand knot will require less tie fabric hanging below your belt line than a half windsor knot, and a half windsor knot will require less fabric hanging below your belt line than a full windsor knot.

Proper Tie Length

Please feel free to view our article about How To Tie A Four In Hand Knot

Please feel free to view our article about How To Tie A Half Windsor Knot

Please feel free to view our article about How To Tie A Full Windsor Knot

Another general rule of thumb to consider when tying fuller knots such as the half or full windsor knot, is to ensure that the skinny end of the tie isn’t hanging too far down your torso. This will allow sufficient fabric for tying these more intricate tie knots.

Consider The Occasion

As alluded to above, dressing dapper in a more formal capacity will necessitate tying your tie knot so that the tip of the tie reaches your belt buckle.

However, in a more casual capacity, a tie that doesn’t reach your belt buckle can be considered acceptable. Examples include wearing a knit tie in a more relaxed fashion, or a skinny silk or novelty polyester tie that allows you to come across in a more sprezzatura fashion. Essentially, the paradox of dapper nonchalance. Or effortless style.

Casual Tie Length

Extra Long Ties For Taller Men

Given that a tie runs vertically down your torso, having an extra long tie for taller men is absolutely crucial, especially if you are looking to tie fuller knots such as a half or full windsor.

Extra Long Ties For Sturdier / Broader Shouldered Men

Alternatively, men who are slightly under 6’1 / 6’2 but have broader shoulders and necks would be best off purchasing extra long ties, especially if they are tying a half or full windsor.

Thankfully, at The Dark Knot, we have a wide range of Extra Long Ties for men!

And that’s a wrap for this one. We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article as much as we have had writing it.

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