I could have written about Valentine’s. Belieb me, the temptation kicked in. But then the internet started making waves regarding NBA poster boy Blake Griffin’s smackdown of the Biebs. Nothing, and I mean nothing, is a truer testament to Valentine’s than a little bit of Bromance.
I am not one for violence. But the rumor mills globally that had been clogged up with ‘news’ that Blake Griffin had laid the smack down on the Biebs was just priceless. What’s even better, is that the pictures circulating the internet, were of Blake looking dapper while he laid down another dunk, this time with no CP3 assists, for his latest ‘hall of fame’ worthy moment. That might be the best dunk Lob City has seen since his signing. And that, my friends, clearly says something.
So remember this. If you’re going to get violent, do it whilst being dapper. It really is that simple. Case in point. Cardigan. Check. Gingham Shirt. Check. Navy Tie. Check. Biebs on the floor, crying his heart out. Double check.
So sweet. That too, just in time for the All Star Break. Maybe the Clippers should assume the mantle of ‘Show Time’ with Griffin’s latest theatrics. The only move it fell short of was Scottie Pippen flat out rejecting the Biebs in the celebrity all star game three years ago. So sweet. Completely awesome.
‘Till next time folks.
Filed under: Celebrities Tagged: Blake Griffin, Blue Gingham Shirt, Dapper, Fall Clothing, Gingham Shirt, Justin Bieber, Light Grey Cardigan, Men's Fashion, Navy Blue Tie, Winter Clothing