The Six Essential Ties Every Man Should Own

Posted by Rishi Chullani on

By Ryan MacMorris

When looking to buy ties online there are a lot of problems you might find yourself running into. You are going to be either overwhelmed or excited about the massive selection of ties that is in front of you. Both reactions to ties are understandable, but if you are looking to buy your first tie for yourself or perhaps creating a new collection then you need to know the basics.

Many people nowadays are trying to slim down their wardrobes while staying stylish and well equipped, fashionably speaking, so what then is the minimum arsenal of neckties you need to be ready for any situation while not breaking the bank. If you are someone who is wearing ties everyday you might want to think of this list as a jumping off point, but if you are someone who only occasionally needs to throw a tie on this could be the starter set that lasts you a while. The following are the six essential ties every man should own.

Before we get started, we would like to point out that what makes these essential ties great for a starter kit is the following:

  • Useful for a variety of situations (which is clutch!)
  • Can be easily paired with blue or white shirts
  • Are easily paired with solid or pinstriped navy or charcoal grey suits

The Collegiate Style Tie 

The first tie that every man needs will give you a bit more freedom than choosing a tie from a single color. Honestly that is an easy promise to make, but the first tie should say a bit about you, it’s the classic diagonal striped tie. Often thought of as the “collegiate tie” this tie can be worn with just about any shirt, plain or patterned and look great.

If you’ve got an alma mater why not let those colors be the inspiration for your collegiate necktie, or pick some colors you find to be striking when combined. A diagonal stripe tie is perfect for nearly any situation and looks great dressed down for a date on the town, or up at a wedding.

Take a note from one of the most stylish families to come to power in the United States, the Kennedys, and give the collegiate tie a whirl. Mess around with the width and spacing of the stripes to see whether you like playing it straight and narrow or wide and loud.

To view The Dark Knot's gorgeous University Striped Silk Ties, that can be worn to work or for social settings, a date or a wedding please click here!

Red with Navy Striped Tie

The Navy Tie

Number two is yet another classic tie choice, noticing a trend? For the second tie in your repertoire you are going to want a dark navy tie for looking smart on job interviews or to just make you look dashing in that navy suit you own.

The navy tie is also well suited to be paired with a pair of khakis for a classic color combination, or dark denim to accent the hue of the necktie. Don’t feel constrained to just navy however, feel free to customize this one a bit and stand out from the crowd. A pin dot tie in navy or practically any texture in navy will let you stand out while pairing easily with most outfits.

To view The Dark Knot's range of exquisite Navy Ties that can be used in formal settings, please click here!

Navy Tie

Courtesy of

The Dark Red Tie

The third tie to keep your tie wardrobe fresh while still being minimalist is the dark red tie. Just like the navy tie a dark red tie makes a powerful statement while still being conservative enough to be assertable in more subdued situations.

A dark burgundy or merlot necktie is perfect for chairing that important meeting or giving you the confidence to nail a  presentation that is coming up while letting you look professional. A dark red tie will also be able to be paired with nearly anything while allowing you to make slightly more of a fashionable statement.

To view The Dark Knot's range of stunning Burgundy Silk Ties that will boost your confidence at that all important meeting or presentation, please click here!

Dark Red Tie

A variation of the dark red tie, courtesy of men's blog

Silk Ties & Men's Accessories | Ties & Men's Accessories

The Glen Plaid Tie

Tie number four is the glen plaid tie. A glen plaid tie is a patterned tie that will quickly draw attention to you in a good way, while still being acceptable with a variety of suit types. The glen plaid is such a traditional pattern for men’s formalwear that you can get away with this tie in many situations where a necktie of a similarly loud pattern would be seen as “too much”. Your glen plaid tie should definitely be one you pull out when you want to feel like a bit of a dandy and don’t mind showing off.

Glen Plaid Tie


The Simple Black Silk Tie

Number five, the fifth tie every man should own is a quality black silk tie for situations where you are expected to be respectful. A silk black tie is the perfect understated tie for occasions like a big wedding, or anything that requires you to not get crazy with fashion and will essentially never go out of style. If you are thinking of getting a bit wild you can go with a bit more texture or maybe something a bit lighter than a full midnight black tie, but a traditional silk tie will help you stand out as adhering to the classic style.

In the future you could even wear it with a tuxedo and not look out of place at black tie events when you show up with a nice black tie and matching tuxedo. The necessity for a silk black tie can be summed up by the fact that events are called “black tie” but also because black is a color that will never go out of style, and silk is the perfect fabric to make a classic look sing as it catches the light and drapes just perfectly.

To view The Dark Knot's range of gorgeous Black Silk Ties, please click here!

Black Silk Tie

The “Wild One” Tie

The last tie in your minimal wardrobe, or your “starter set” should be a bit more out there. Find a patterned tie with something interesting or trendy on it like small bicycles or some very small fish on it that is intriguing and can be worn in less formal settings.

The perfect tie for awkward dinner parties or helping start conversations with strangers your sixth tie should be a bit more personal than the others and be your own stylish spin on a classic. This necktie is the one that shows what you would look like if you were a tie, but not really.  Ideally, you would want to stick to something that reflects an interest or hobby of yours and not a tie with a picture of you on it!

To view The Dark Knot's range of exquisite Animal Printed Silk Ties that are the perfect ensemble boosters and conversation starters, please click here!

Animal Print Ties | Printed Silk Ties

There it is, the minimum amount of ties for the maximum wearability. With these six ties you will be able to wear a tie everyday at your new job while still being able to create a number of great combinations before you have to repeat a style or two. If you aren’t wearing a tie everyday you will be able to get away with these select few tie options for years before anybody guesses your secret.

And that's a wrap for this one! I hope that you have had as much fun reading this as I did writing it!

Still not sure where to start with your ties?   Feel free to learn about our Starter Kits here, where we help you choose Ties & Accessories via a Free Style Consultation!

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