Shirt & Tie Combinations With A Grey Suit

Posted by Rishi Chullani on

Knowing how to pair a shirt & tie combination with a grey suit is a stylistic rite of passage that every gentleman will go through. In this detailed guide, we cover shirt & tie combinations that pair well with a grey suit, based on the grade of grey suit you will be wearing, in addition to the shirt color you will be adorning your tie with!

The scene has been set. Your ready to strut yourself at that next wedding reception. Your grey suit has been carefully laid out and iron pressed. Your stunning oxblood burgundy cap toes have been carefully polished and set aside. Heck, even your belt has been curated for the occasion. But there’s one glaring omission. Scratch that. Two. Two full omissions. The Shirt. And The Tie. Without those two articles of clothing, you may as well wrap your suit around a mannequin and call it an evening. Which begs the question. Which shirt and tie combinations work with a grey suit?

Next to the navy suit, a grey suit is an absolute men’s wardrobe staple. More than just a conventional business suit, a grey suit can be paired with a multitude of shirt and tie options, making it highly versatile.

Discerning which shirt and tie should pair with your grey suits should seem like a fairly straight forward decision, but can often, confound even the best of us. With a wide range of grey colored suit options around, what shirt and tie do we wear based on the color of the suit, the occasion, the season, and how we want to come across? In this comprehensive guide, we will cover shirt and tie combinations with a grey suit!

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot's range of exquisite silk ties matching a solid charcoal grey suit!

What’s the right type of grey suit for you?

As is the case with navy & blue suits, grey suits come in a multitude of options and are relatively broad in concept until you break them down into narrower categories based on occasion, season and the type of look that you are ultimately going for. Consider the differences between light grey, medium grey and charcoal grey suits, and you will begin to develop an understanding of which suits work best for which type of setting. Given the neutral backdrop of a stunning grey suit, add in a range of shirts and accessories, and your combinations are limitless.

With the continued strong interest in grey suits, there is essentially no setting where the grey suit isn’t permitted. 

Light Grey Blazer

While not essentially a suit, a light grey blazer is a great place to get this topic started! Highly versatile in your day to day wear (particularly outside of the office), a light grey blazer makes for the perfect smart casual statement.

A light grey blazer allows you to dress dapper without making too serious of an inroad into formalwear territory. Pair your light grey blazer with chinos, a dark denim shirt and a pair of loafers or white sneakers, and you’ll not only be dressed above your contemporaries with regarding to the mixing and meshing of formalwear with streetwear, you’ll also have people doing a double take!

Looking to spruce up your light grey blazer? How about adding in a knitted tie for added effect.

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot’s stunning range of Silk Knit Ties.

Grey Suit Shirt & Tie

Light Grey Suits

Light Grey Suits are your perfect go to suits for semi-formal events, especially for outdoor settings. Light grey suits are highly versatile, affording you the option of pairing them with a lighter pastel colored tie for breezy events such as a summer beach wedding, or a darker tie for something more formal, like a country club dinner party.

Purple & Blue Geometric Foulard Silk Tie

Light Grey Suit featuring The Dark Knot's Cazenovia Foulard Purple Silk Tie!

Medium Grey Suits

In between the light grey and charcoal grey suit, is your medium grey suit (commonly known as simply ‘grey’!). Medium grey will be the most versatile of all your suit options, as it can be worn across the dress code spectrum (barring black tie or the very most formal of events).

Medium Grey Suit w/ Navy & Brown Foulard Silk Tie

A Plaid Medium Grey Suit, perfectly complemented by The Dark Knot's Georgetown Foulard Navy & Brown Silk Tie!

Navy & Brown Geometric Foulard Pattern Silk Tie
The Dark Knot's Georgetown Foulard Navy / Brown Geometric Foulard Silk Tie features a repeating, stunning blue, brown & silver pattern set against an intricate navy background. This tie pairs exceptionally well with a solid or finely striped shirt pattern - and will have you looking the part and then some - whether you are dressing for an important presentation or your next wedding!

Charcoal Grey Suit

The grand daddy of grey suits, the charcoal grey suit often first comes to mind when thinking of donning that perfect suit. A charcoal grey suit is dark enough where you can wear it to business settings, along with the most formal of occasions, such as a presentation, or funeral. A charcoal grey suit is similar to a navy suit in that it is an absolute essential. However, while a navy suit can often serve to make the wearer look younger, a charcoal grey suit can elevate your look to that of a more mature individual!

Charcoal Grey Suit, Shirt & Tie

A classic charcoal grey suit. Courtesy of

Looking for ties that match your grey suits? Imagine wearing a tie that you already know perfectly complements the dress shirt & suit you are wearing it with. Because the style consultation work has been done for you!

Silk Ties & Men's Accessories | Ties & Men's Accessories


Pairing Shirts & Ties With A Grey Suit

White Shirt & Tie Combinations With A Grey Suit

While a range of shirt colors will work with a grey, suit, your classic white shirt is a timeless bet that will pay off over and over again. It happens to be one of the safest options for an elegant & cohesive look, affording you the ability to tie (no pun intended) the entire ensemble together with your accessories of choice.

Charcoal Grey Suit With A White Shirt & Tie

If you are looking to create a sharp and formal look, pairing your charcoal grey suit and white shirt with a black tie will do the trick. The result will be a classic appearance with a subtle edge over your traditional black suit and tie!

Looking to spice up your ensemble. How about opting for a darker colored tie that is either solid or with a repeating geometric pattern (foulard). We suggest a darker hue so as to match the formality of the charcoal grey suit (we would typically reserve lighter color ties for spring / summer months, with a lighter colored grey suit, as we will discuss below).

Charcoal Grey Suit w/ Navy Foulard Silk Tie

A charcoal grey suit and white shirt paired with The Dark Knot's Montgomery Abstract Navy & Brown Silk Tie!

Navy & Brown Geometric Foulard Pattern Silk Tie
 The Dark Knot's Montgomery Abstract Navy & Brown Silk Tie features a stunning repeating foulard pattern that pairs exquisitely with a solid white, light blue or pink shirt and a charcoal grey, navy blue or brown suit. Whether you are looking to make an impression at your next presentation or wedding reception, this tie is bound to make you stand out!

A solid or patterned navy or burgundy tie would work best! These darker colored ties would work particularly well at an evening wedding reception or for cocktail attire.

Please click here to view The Dark Knot’s range of exquisite navy silk ties

Please click here to view The Dark Knot’s range of stunning burgundy silk ties

Medium Grey Suit With A White Shirt & Tie

Looking for something dapper but a little less serious in nature. How about opting for a white shirt with your medium or lighter grey suits, and pairing it with a standard blue hue or olive green tie for added effect!

Medium Grey Suit & Olive Green Foulard Silk Tie

A medium grey plaid suit and white shirt, perfectly complemented by The Dark Knot's Fort Covington Olive Green & Gold Foulard Silk Tie!

Olive Green & Gold Geometric Foulard Pattern Silk Tie

The Dark Knot's Fort Covington Olive Green / Gold Geometric Foulard Silk Tie features a stunning repeating pattern that pairs perfectly with a solid white, light blue, light pink or grey shirt and a charcoal grey, navy blue or brown suit! Whether you are looking to make an impression at your next presentation, cocktail party or wedding reception, this tie will absolutely have you making an impression!

Light Grey Suit With A White Shirt & Tie

For outdoors events during the spring & summer, such as a beach wedding, pair a white shirt with your medium or light grey suit and a pastel colored tie to fit in with the season and surroundings.

Alternatively, you could strut a solid navy silk tie for the perfect juxtaposition between a more casual light grey suit and a formal navy tie, resulting in a striking aesthetic! 

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot’s range of exquisite blue silk ties

Solid Navy Blue Silk Tie | Solid Navy Blue Tie | Solid Navy Blue Necktie

Light Grey Suit is perfectly paired with The Dark Knot's Winsted Blue Silk Tie!

Blue Shirt & Tie Combinations With A Grey Suit

A powder blue colored shirt will pair perfectly with a range of your grey suits.

Charcoal Grey Suit With Blue Shirt & Tie

Opting for something more formal? The charcoal grey suit will provide the perfect backdrop for a powder blue shirt, creating a stunning level of contrast.

Pair this with a solid navy or burgundy silk tie for added effect. A navy tie with your blue shirt will create more of a monochromatic feel, while a burgundy tie will create a greater level of contrast. Whether you are dressing up for your next wedding reception or cocktail function, a combination of a charcoal grey suit, a powder colored blue shirt and a navy or burgundy tie will always do the trick.

Blue Shirt & Tie With Charcoal Grey Suit

Charcoal Grey Suit paired with a light blue shirt and navy foulard silk tie. Courtesy of

Medium Grey Suit With Blue Shirt & Tie

Looking to dress dapper for a social networking event. How about the powder blue shirt with a medium grey suit and a slightly offbeat tie to spruce up your look. An olive green or dark purple tie will really have you standing out and make an impression.

Because olive green and purple are considered colors close to blue on the color wheel, they will exhibit a sense of familiarity with your ensemble (as opposed to red or burgundy, which creates a stronger level of contrast).

Please feel free to view our range of Green Ties

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot’s Purple Silk Ties

Medium Grey Suit, Blue Shirt & Tie

A medium grey suit with a light blue shirt and purple tie! Courtesy of

Tired of not knowing how to match ties to your suits & shirts. With The Dark Knot's filtered search system, one can find ties based on matching suits, matching shirts & even the type of occasion that you are dressing up for. Please feel free to view The Dark Knot's extensive range of silk ties here.

Light Grey Suit With Blue Shirt & Tie

Attending a country club party or a summer beach wedding? How about a powder blue shirt with your lighter grey suit, complemented by a pastel colored tie, such as a light pink or light green animal print silk tie. Alternatively, you can opt for a striking purple tie, creating the perfect contrast between casual and formal pop! 

Or you can go with the recent resurgence in the horizontal striped tie, and opt for a silk knit tie for that ultimate casual dapper look!

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot’s range of Paisley Silk Ties.

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot’s range of Silk Knit Ties.

Purple & Navy Geometric Foulard Silk Tie

A light grey suit and light blue striped shirt, paired exquisitely with The Dark Knot's Shelton Abstract Purple / Navy / Silver Foulard Silk Tie!

Pink Shirt & Tie Combinations With A Grey Suit

Pastel pink colored shirts pair perfectly with your grey suits, given the level of contrast. A pastel pink shirt works particularly well not only because of the contrast, but because it can serve to warm up the grey color, adding some flair to your look in place of the tried and tested white and powder blue shirts.

Charcoal Grey Suit With A Pink Shirt & Tie

Pairing your pink with a charcoal grey suit for your next wedding reception? How about adding in a solid or foulard navy silk tie for added effect. Alternatively, another neutral tone, such as a brown foulard or paisley tie would work particularly well, helping to balance out the brighter elements of the pink (even though it’s a lighter colored pastel shirt!).

The Dark Knot’s range of foulard ties can be viewed here.

The Dark Knot’s range of brown ties can be viewed here.

Pinstripe Charcoal Grey Suit, Pink Shirt & Tie

A pinstripe charcoal grey suit and light pink shirt is perfectly complemented by this whimsical, sailing boat motif navy silk tie!

Medium Grey Suit With A Pink Shirt & Tie

Strutting a medium grey suit for a networking event or dinner party? Try pairing that pastel pink shirt with a navy or burgundy silk tie. Alternatively, you can opt for something slightly bolder, such as an olive green tie (creates a great level of contrast, with the earthy tones of the olive green tie perfectly complementing the lighter pink shirt) or purple tie!

Medium Grey Suit ,Light Pink Shirt & Burgundy Tie

A medium grey suit and light pink shirt, perfectly complemented by this exquisite solid burgundy textured tie. Courtesy of

Light Grey Suit With Pink Shirt & Tie

Looking to add some color and fun to your next Kentucky Derby dress day or summer beach wedding? Try pairing your light pink shirt with a fun animal print motif, silk knit tie or lighter colored paisley silk tie to help create that relaxed, yet dapper & elegant look.

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot’s range of Animal Print Silk Ties.

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot’s range of Silk Knit Ties.

To view The Dark Knot’s range of Paisley Silk Ties, please click here.

Light Grey Suit, Pink Shirt & Paisley Tie

Ties Sale | Ties Discount | Neckties Sale | Neckties Discount

Whether you are looking for solid, striped, paisley, foulard or polka dot patterns, to wear to a wedding reception, important presentation or date night, our selection with our best ties sale will have you covered!

Patterned Dress Shirts

The above suggestions are not only in relation to solid dress shirts, but patterned dress shirts. When pairing shirts and ties with your grey suits, opt for a striped or microcheckered shirt and a solid or patterned tie for maximum effect. The key is to opt for a shirt with narrow spacing within the pattern (such as a finely striped or microcheckered shirt) with a wider spaced tie (wider tie design spacing, such as a foulard or paisley silk tie).

It is absolutely imperative that there is sufficient difference in pattern spacing between the tie and shirt patterns, in order to create the perfect level of contrast. Without a different in pattern spacing, the overall look will come across as jarring to the viewer. Color, and pattern combinations should always take into account a level of contrast, so that your tie pops off against your shirt and suit, without there being a strong clash in colors and patterns.

Pairing A Grey Suit With Shoes

No dapper suit is complete without appropriate footwear. When discerning which shoes to pair your grey suit with, we would consider the following, based on the shade of grey:

Light Grey Suit & Shoe Combinations

While grey suits on average are just as versatile as navy blue suits, light grey suits are lower down on the formality spectrum. Because these suits can be worn in a range of settings and because they are lower down on the formality spectrum, these suits can be worn with black, tan or brown shoes!

Light Grey Suit & Shoe Combinations

 Courtesy of

Medium Grey Suit & Shoe Combinations

Medium Grey Suits fall between light grey suits and charcoal grey suits with respect to formality. Hence, they are best worn with a brown, darker brown or black shoes. Lighter brown / tan shoes should be eschewed in favor of medium or darker brown shoes. As a general rule of thumb, it is best to opt for shoe colors that in the same range of darkness as your suit / trousers, or a shade darker.

 Medium Grey Suit & Shoe Combinations

Courtesy of

Charcoal Grey Suit & Shoe Combinations

Charcoal Grey Suits, given their formal nature, are best worn with darker colored shoes. Hence, charcoal grey suits work best with black, oxblood or significantly darker brown hue shoes.  

Please note it is imperative that regular or lighter hue brown shoes are avoided with charcoal grey suits. Given that regular or lighter hue brown shoes are less formal in nature, they generally will not pair well with a charcoal grey suit. Hence, plain black shoes such as oxford cap toes (please see below) are your best bet. Additionally, oxblood / burgundy shoes or a rich chocolate brown will also work extremely well.

Charcoal Grey Suit & Dark Brown Shoes

If opting for brown shoes with your charcoal grey suit, it is best to go with a darker pair so as to keep the formality of the suit! Courtesy of

Key Considerations For Other Accessories

While you can safely wear a grey suit to any kind of event, from cocktail parties, business meetings, weddings and glamorous sporting events such as The Kentucky Derby, there are a few pointers to keep in mind regarding accessorizing your grey suits:

  • Grey suits and accessories definitely work well together. Remember to incorporate some combination of a dress watch, lapel flower pocket square or tie bar!
  • With regards to metallic accents such as tie bars, lapel pins or cufflinks, it is best to stick with silver, white or gold.

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot's stunning range of Lapel Flowers.

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot's extensive range of exquisite Silk & Linen Pocket Squares

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot's stunning range of Tie Bars

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot's exquisite range of Cufflinks!


Well, that was a lot of information to digest! Below is a summary of key points covered:

  • Grey Suits are highly versatile and can be worn to a range of occasions, from glamorous sporting meets such as The Kentucky Derby, to daily work, presentations, cocktail parties and wedding receptions.
  • The shade of grey suit that you choose will largely depend on the type of occasion that you are dressing up for.
  • Light Grey Suits are best for less formal settings, such as a country club party of summertime beaching wedding.
  • Medium Grey Suits are the most versatile, and can be used for daily work or your next cocktail party.
  • Charcoal Grey Suits are the most formal, and are best reserved for those settings where you really want to make an impression. Rock a charcoal grey suit to your next promotion securing corporate presentation or to a fancy wedding reception!
  • White Shirts pair well with all grey suits. However, they look particularly good with a charcoal grey suit. Pair your white shirts with a navy or burgundy tie when strutting a charcoal grey suit. If wearing a medium grey suit, try opting for a neutral tone such as a brown tie, something with visual interest such as a foulard tie. With a lighter grey suit, try opting for something more laid back, such as pastel or cream colored tie – appropriate for an occasion such as a beach wedding!
  • Powder Blue Shirts can work particularly well with any shade of grey suit! A blue shirt and charcoal grey suit combination would be perfectly complemented by a navy or burgundy tie, leading to a more elegant look. A blue shirt and medium grey suit would look particularly striking with a slightly offbeat colored tie, such as an olive green or purple tie! Finally, if your strutting your blue shirt with a light grey suit to a less formal event, try opting for an animal print motif silk tie, or a silk knit tie!
  • Pink shirts also work particularly well with grey suits. A navy or burgundy tie would perfectly complement a pink shirt and charcoal grey suit, while a neutral tone such as a brown tie would work extremely well with a medium grey suit. As is the case above, when pairing a light pink shirt with a light grey suit, try opting for a more playful tie, such as an animal printed silk tie, or a silk knit tie for added effect!
  • Light Grey Suits, being informal in nature, are best worn with light brown (tan), brown or black shoes.
  • Medium Grey Suits, falling in the middle of the formality spectrum between light grey and charcoal grey suits, are best worn with brown, darker brown or black shoes.
  • Charcoal Grey Suits, being the most formal in nature (of the grey suit spectrum), are best worn with a darker shade of brown, oxblood / burgundy or black shoes!
  • When accessorizing your grey suits with tie bars, lapel pins or cufflinks, try sticking to metallic silver or white hues for a polished look.

And that’s a wrap for this one! We hope that you have enjoyed reading this as much as we did writing it!

Please feel free to view The Dark Knot's exquisite range of silk ties, presented in an elegant black gift box with recommendations for matching attire!

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